Death of a God

Cover Death of a God
Genres: Fiction
Bergate was the nearest thing to it. There, towards the end of the nineteenth century, in the once elegant Georgian houses which had by then become warrens of the poor, large numbers of Italian immigrants had settled – masons and plasterers, makers of the beautifully finished shoes and gloves which were to earn the city an international reputation.
    In the backyards, in the tumbledown outbuildings which had begun life as the coach houses of the rich, wiry little men in rusty black clothing,
...with names like Raffaelli and Marcantonio, had stored the bags of sweet chestnuts which, in winter, they sold, hot and mealy, from portable stoves set up craftily on corners where the wind knifed in straight from the tundra. As the world turned towards spring, they dragged little carts out of their spider-webbed hibernation, and spruced them up till they looked like a Sicilian fiesta; filled them with a frozen custard yellow as butter, and dragged them to the Market Place, there to dispense cornets and wafers and ice-cream boats until once more the leaves fell, the days shortened, and it was time for roasted chestnuts again.MoreLess

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