Death in Dark Waters

Cover Death in Dark Waters
Genres: Fiction
Neither man seemed willing to talk and Dizzy Sanderson glanced out of the car window with increasing anxiety as they approached the tall blocks of flats which were almost obscured by the driving rain. He put his Walkman away as Mower parked in the lee of Priestley House.
“This place is beginning to give me the creeps,” he said. “I reckon you have to assume you’re being watched up here — by both sides.”
“Probably,” Mower said. He glanced towards Joyce Ackroyd’s bungalow where the glass in her wi
...ndows had still not been replaced, boards facing the street blindly. “If I were the drug squad I’d have video cameras up here full time. But we’re on the side of the angels, remember?”
“They might still believe you are, man,” Sanderson said. “But I reckon my credibility’s all blown away.”
Up on the walkway as they made their way towards Donna Maitland’s flat, Mower glanced down. The whole estate seemed deserted, as the rain gusted in bitter squalls across the muddy grass and the puddled car parks while the concrete of the blocks above and below them turned dark and streaky with damp.

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