Death At Whitechapel

Cover Death At Whitechapel
Genres: Fiction
Brabazon to Winston Spencer Churchill upon the successful conclusion of Winston’s suit for slander against A.C. Bruce-Prycer 9 March, 1896:  My dear Boy: I cannot tell you what intense pleasure your telegram gave to me & what a very great relief it was also .... For one cannot touch pitch without soiling one’s hands however clean they may have originally been and the world is so ill natured & suspicious that there would always have been found some ill natured sneak or perhaps some d—d good friend to hem & ha! & wink over it—perhaps in years to come, when everyone even yourself had forgotten all about the disagreeable incident ...
 Ever my dear boy Yrs, J.P. Brabazon   Carrying a small bag containing a clean shirt and his shaving things, Winston turned out of Great Cumberland Road and headed in the direction of Paddington Station, which was so near that there was no sense going to the bother of a cab. He was on his way to Bath to address a gathering of the Primrose League sponsored by a Party man named H.D.

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