Death At Blenheim Palace

Cover Death At Blenheim Palace
Death At Blenheim Palace
Robin Paige
Genres: Fiction
Even in my day they were still in vogue in Europe, where the interests of the two contracting parties were considered to outweigh the wishes of the bride. . . . When I broke the news of our engagement to my brothers, Harold observed, “He is only marrying you for your money,” and with this last slap to my pride I burst into tears.
 The Glitter and the Gold, Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsam,Duchess of Marlborough     Consuelo Vanderbilt Marlborough was awakened by the echoing sound of the dressing gong
.... Feeling drained and dispirited in spite of her afternoon nap, she swung her feet off the high bed and wrapped her arms around herself. It might be summer out-of-doors, she thought bleakly, but the sunshine had little chance of warming this wretched mausoleum of a house. Blenheim was supposed to be centrally heated—a convenience purchased, together with electric lighting and repairs to the palace’s lead roofs, with the eleventh duchess’s dowry—but the rooms were always cold.
“Would Your Grace prefer the blue or the lilac?”

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