Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/thrillers

Cover Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/thrillers
I rubbed my eyes and felt something sticky—blood. I looked around to find myself back in my apartment and in my own bed.I sat up—too fast. The room swam as I steadied myself and then stumbled to the door. My apartment looked the same as I had left it. My purse was on the table and my phone and keys were laid out neatly in front of it. I cursed.It was 8:13 at night, two hours after I’d left the courthouse. Which meant wherever they had taken me had to be close.I fumbled for my phone, hands shaking. There were six missed calls—one from Joshua, two from Dan, one from Angela, and two from my best friend, Mandy. The screen was still on my disconnected call to 9-1-1. I pushed redial.“9-1-1. What’s your emergency?” a male voice answered.“I’d like to report a kidnapping—” My voice broke as what had happened to me sank in. Tears came to my eyes and my throat clenched. I swallowed down the rising panic attack.After giving him a few details in a hoarse voice and getting a promise that a detectiv...e was headed my way, I hung up.Glancing around the room, I saw that all my blinds were open.MoreLess
Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/thrillers
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Guest 5 months ago

These are the absolutely worst books I've ever attempted to read.

Apart form the crudity of thr writing, they are completely female oricnted, which do NOT make for good stories as over 50% of the readers are men, and I for one find it impossible to get into the swing of thinking like a woman.

Sickening stuff. I only began 2-3 and dumped them and all the rest.
I don't know how she got any published unless she paid for it herself. The covers tell the story direction with no need to even read anything.

Edgar G. 2 years ago

Ridiculous ending with Munroe going with Cade, an ignorant, bombastic bullying lout, whose first contact with her should have been the last. A poorly written story all the way through.

Edgar G. 2 years ago

I'm really getting sick of this crap. all hugs and tears, and then out to a highly dangerous nightclub., Every man is "gorgeous but she's not going to to home with him , Oh no. The sex is CRUDE the text is silly and simple, She"lets go and "opens" her mind"...What nonsense. If it wasn't for the fact that I want to see how she brings down the Williams brothers I'd just delete the whole load of crap. Although I know the solution will be full of "coincidences and miraculous escapes", but still I'm curious. That's why I like to read. When I think of the craft of Edgar Wallace and Georges Simenon, this rubbish should be dust-binned right away before it ever reaches print.

Edgar G. 2 years ago

This stupid woman, dealing with the most dangerous criminal she'd ever heard of, didn't have her gun with her at all. But now she takes it, UNLOADED, and puts ONE bullet into her pocket. How much more stupid can this novel get. With all the threats and kidnapping, she doesn't even have police bugging her phone to catch Williams if he calls her again.

Now she's packing, and has no where to go yet. and she doesn't FULLY LOAD the gun. She doesn't phone her boss asking for police protection . THAT'S how much more stupid this novel is getting
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Edgar G. 2 years ago

Since Ami has been a sufferer, it looks as if the next attempt will be on Fiona. Gibson it targetting the 3 girls, for some purpose in his twisted mind. On further investigation it may be that their fates were causes by another event in some way connected to the girls, which caused Gibson to seek revenge on them, rather than on the original who may be out of his reach, maybe even a capable man.

Edgar G. 2 years ago

did the writer's imagination ever envisage Long Distance Helicopters with ultra high magnification technology allowing them to be out of sight and hearing, being able to follow the whole scenario ,which likely will include another phone call directing Cade to a different location, maybe several. This is old stuff used in a trillion hostage demands stories.

Edgar G. 2 years ago

This book is full of technical as well as flaws of stupidity. Just now the two bumblers phone a number that the FBI should have located and surrounded before phoning. Now it's been disconnected and the phone discarded. Also since Todd described the kidnapper-killer, not a single mention of his massive height has been seen, Not any mention of loose DNA such as hair, etc.
As soon as the colour and king of car had become known through Todd and the child, it should have been tracked down in the usual painstaking manner. Kidnapping s a Federal Crime and why the FBI were not immediately in on it is a mystery that can only be attributed to the ineptness of the writer. And there's more.
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