Dead Witch Walking

Cover Dead Witch Walking
Series: The Hollows (#1)
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy

Every time Rachel thinks events couldn't worsen, they do, especially when the title describes her situation - a death sentence from her former workplace. When the witch narrator gets three wishes from a leprechaun, she gains smart-mouth pixy Jenks and vampire Ivy as partners for an independent bounty-hunting firm. Makes strange sense to handle wishes as she does.

3* isn't enough to go on. I've gone farther down the series and losing patience with repetition. Tomatoes - humans say yuck because of blah blah long ago virus jumped -- to people? Nah. What I remember of basic science says no. I like tomatoes. Lots. Almost every day.
I'm not sure how I really feel about this book.

I like RM and I can tell she is going to find herself in a lot of crazy situations in books to come. I also like Jenks alot.
Not sure about Ivy, because I think she is hiding something, and not to sure about Nick either.

Still, there are some things I may come back to this series for: What is T


rent? What is the human aversion to tomatoes about (if it was explained I missed it)? Who actually sent the Demon? Can Nick be trusted? What is Ivy hiding?

My problem is there seemed to be too much going on, so I am a bit lost. Still it was good enough for me to give the 2nd book a try at some point. I'm not giving up on the series yet.

Dead Witch Walking
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User Reviews:

Guest 6 years ago

only one page i read and it was so fun :) :) :) :(((

Guest 7 years ago

I like this

emily10013 7 years ago

IT sounds cool so far

Guest 7 years ago

is this a good book for a kid to read like a 11 year old????

Guest 7 years ago

fuck all of this book

Guest 7 years ago

not interesting

Hollie 7 years ago

It is ok

Guest 7 years ago

very good

EliKit 7 years ago

I had bought the book The Dead Pool, but it turns out its the eight book. So I asked this website to add the series. I'm amazed they actually did. I'm definitely gonna read all of them!!

Guest 6 years ago

i have just started reading this book and so far it is mind blowing

Guest 6 years ago

Guest sih

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Guest 7 years ago

Great book I just w

his site had the series I hate reading a book and wanting to read the next one

Guest 6 years ago

I've reabing

emily10013 7 years ago

ME to
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