Darkest England

Cover Darkest England
Genres: Fiction
It will seem that I say the twisted thing when I write that not since the last hunting season, when farmers from across the Cape descended on the Karoo for the annual springbuck hunt, landing like flocks of Egyptian geese on the gravel strip beside the Lutherburg municipal shooting range, have I seen so many aircraft.
Most amazingly, our craft did not make low passes over the field, as is the custom, but descended directly. This puzzled me until I reached the following conclusion. The machine n
...eed not first dive on the field, as is usual in my country, since there are no donkeys, grazing on the landing strip, that must be sent running before the plane can land.
During our descent I noticed what I took to be groups of pebbles scattered across the green landscape. Lying directly beneath the aircraft’s path, they looked from the air for all the world like the sun-split rocks that crowd the slopes of the low hills in the Karoo. As we dropped lower I saw that they were, in fact, thousands upon thousands of human dwellings, glued closer to each other than the cells of the honeybee.

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