Darkest Before Dawn (2010)

Cover Darkest Before Dawn
Genres: Fiction
‘I’d like an hour or so off, say from half-past eleven until two.’ Mr Wilmslow had been piling tinned peas into a pyramid, but at her words he stopped short, his greying eyebrows flying up towards his hairline, and then descending over his brows in a deep frown. ‘Whatever do you want time off for? God knows, you’ve only just had your Christmas holiday,’ he said bleakly. ‘And here’s me never taking so much as five minutes, always on call . . . why, even at night there’s Mrs Wilmslow wanting this... that or the other. So what do you want time off for, eh? I gives you an hour for your dinner, though what you do with yourself for a whole hour . . . time to eat a four-course banquet—’ The tirade ended abruptly when Martha cleared her throat meaningly. ‘Monday isn’t a busy day, Mr Wilmslow,’ she reminded him. ‘And you know I work late whenever you’re busy. In the run up to Christmas, it was almost eight o’clock some nights before I got up to the flat and all I’m asking for is an extra hour or so to tack on to my dinner break.MoreLess

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