Danger At the Fair (2002)

Cover Danger At the Fair
Genres: Fiction
A group of curious people now surrounded the crying child, his mother, and the frantic man.
“I had my wallet when I bought my ticket to get in,” the man said to no one in particular, “and I got it out to use my telephone credit card awhile ago.”
“You probably left your wallet in the phone booth,” suggested the woman with the little boy. “I did that once.”
“Maybe it’s still there,” the man said. He hurried away.
“Let’s go ride the roller coaster,” Nicholas said.
“That bottle guy is cheating,” Co
...rey said. “One of those bottles is rigged so it won’t fall over no matter where the ball hits. We ought to spy on that man and see how he does it and report him to the Fair Board. I bet nobody ever wins a dinosaur. Those same dinosaurs have probably been hanging there for a million years.”
“That’s why he calls them authentic,” said Nicholas. “If we’re going to ride the roller coaster before my mom comes back, we’d better get going.”
Corey shoved his hands in his pockets and stomped away from the bottle-throw booth.

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