Cry of Eagles (2016)

Cover Cry of Eagles
Genres: Fiction
They had also been instructed by Naiche to keep a sharp lookout for any sign of Kiowa, or other Indians, and to report back immediately if any were sighted. They rode strong cavalry horses stolen from Fort Thomas, and carried Winchester rifles and Colt pistols taken from the dead bluecoats killed by Isa and his warriors. Naiche wanted scouts watching all sides of the mountains in order to be prepared against a surprise attack if the soldiers found their tracks. Naiche had moved the village to t...he canyon called Deer Springs, where their stronghold would be easier to defend. From Deer Springs they would launch many raids against the white-eyes and bluecoat patrols, before returning to their isolated camp in some of the most rugged terrain high in the mountain range, where water and grass were plentiful and the steep canyon walls were honeycombed with caves providing shelter and hiding places for the women.
Cuchillo suddenly halted his horse as they were at the edge of a thicket of scrub pinyon pines.

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Guest 3 years ago

This American scout MIckey Free DID NOT have a fruity Irish accent . He was not Irish but American. He had an American accent. The writer has allowed his imagination to run away with him. He'd better pull up short. He also gives Mickey Free an undeserved bad reputation. For no apparent reason, soean't even make good continuance.

Guest 3 years ago

Mickey Frees' stpfather was 2nd generation Irish. His name was Ward. The famous Nana born in 1800 who was killed in the ambush actually didn't die until 1896 aged 95 He is well authenticated, and well photographed. As if Mickey Free.

Guest 3 years ago

That story about Mickey Free on the internet is very interesting. As soon as I saw the name written I immediately thought of Lever's Charles O'Malley. I happen to have a first edition (2 Vols) of Chrales O'Malley the Irish Dragoon", I've read it many times and what I know is that Lever and friends mush have been very brilliant and michevous to play all those tricks in Dublin, where I myself was born and grew up. I love that book, also Harry Lorrequer, and other characters. I actually knew some countryfolk who were exactly like Mickey Free, and "Somerville and Ross" also have them down to a "T".. Ross's brother Martin, "Ballyhooley" Ross, is supposed t have written the comic song "Killaloe", in the 1890s for a London show. But I have a recording from Boston University Irish Dept, sent to me in 1960 in which a 93 year old Irish folk singer sings Killaloe, saying it was taught to him by his grandmother when he was a young boy. The old man must have been born in the mid 1860s and if his grandmother already knew it, it long predated the claim that "Ballyhooley" Ross had written it. Interesting eh?? I hope that someone with an interest reads this.

Guest 3 years ago

For the Very First time the writer has had the Apache Chief refer to the rifles as "repeaters". That "many shoot" was hugely overplayed.

Guest 3 years ago

The writer has a monumental knowledge of hissubject as well as the area. I wonder why he minimised the legendary War Chief Nana and boosted an introduced an insipid cardboard character named Isa, as the War chief. with Nana just a follower. Puzzling. Doesn't improve the story, so it's a mysery which will never be answered.

Guest 3 years ago

Sorry, apologies. This time is was PRIVATE Collins ho was killed, appearing by name for the first and last time, however, we are not to be disappointed, becuase , as I said, CORPORAL Collins was AGAIN killed just above. So the name Collinsappears THEE times, once for private Collins, and twice for the "TWO" Corporal Collinses, (or the same original one miraculously redivivus only to be slain again.)...I'm getting confused...

Guest 3 years ago

Just above, I see that Corporal Collins has miraculously come alive again, after having been killed in the ravine, only to be killed agian, just now more gruesomely. least according to the writer, unless there were two Corporal Collinses, not mentioned, (which would be surprising-at least)..... Hmm. This writer seems to perform miracles.

Guest 3 years ago

.The writer has it all backwards. the character Isa must have been just a brave, because Nana , then about 80 years old was THE war chief. He lived to be about 95. I have a biography of him, bought years ago. So I know. Naiche was the last son of Cochise the Big Chief of the Apaches, but of a different band. So Nana was not hopping around obeying this Isa and picking up guns for him. He also was Geronimo's brother-in-law as I recall, so was a very important Apache and personally killed countless soldiers. He was born around the year 1800.

Guest 3 years ago

People normally never bend "double when coughing no matter how severe it is. Hyperbolic overplay here. And what need to mention that the handkerchief was "soiled"...too much unneccesary "detail.".

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