Covert One 6 - the Moscow Vector

Cover Covert One 6 - the Moscow Vector
Genres: Fiction
She paused briefly at the landing to clip her Central Intelligence Agency photo ID card to the breast pocket of her navy blue jacket. Then she pushed open a fire door and turned left, marching fast down a wide corridor. Harried-looking embassy file clerks carrying armloads of visa applications and reams of other official correspondence from one busy office to another saw her coming and moved quickly out of her way. The tall, square-jawed Marine corporal on duty outside the secure conference room stepped forward to meet her. With one hand on his bolstered sidearm, he peered closely at her ID and then nodded. “You can go right on in, Ms. Russell. Mr. Bennett is expecting you.” Inside the conference room itself, Curt Bennett, the head of the technical team sent out from the CIA’s Langley headquarters, barely glanced up when she came in. Red-eyed with fatigue, unshaven, and thoroughly disheveled, he sat hunched over a pair of linked personal computers set up at one end of a long table.
Covert One 6 - the Moscow Vector
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