Coma Girl: Part 3 (Kindle Single)

Cover Coma Girl: Part 3 (Kindle Single)
Genres: Fiction
my mom said.
“We’ve been over this, Mother,” Sidney said. “I’m needed here.”
“I don’t want this incident to derail your life. It’s bad enough that Marigold might never get out of that bed, but I don’t think I can bear it if this keeps you from graduating law school.”
“Mom, nothing is going to keep me from graduating law school. And you heard Dr. Tyson—Marigold is getting better.”
“She allegedly moved a finger, but we only have the doctors’ word for it. I’ve asked her to squeeze my hand every ti I’ve been here since they told us, and she hasn’t squeezed my hand once. Watch.”
Mom walked to my bed. “Marigold, can you move your fingers? Can you squeeze my hand?”
I’m trying.
“See? Nothing. It makes me wonder if they made it up.”
“Why would they make it up?”
“To cover their butts and make it seem like the drug they gave her is working.”
“I don’t think—”
“And now on top of everything else, she’s pregnant? What on earth was that girl thinking?”

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