Cities of Refuge

Cover Cities of Refuge
Genres: Fiction
Rodrigo worked for a man about his age named Kevin, who bid on contracts from insurance adjusters and then phoned Luis, who called him, and they had to be on-site within an hour because of sitting water that would ruin everything left to ruin if it wasn’t pumped out and the carpets and walls stripped away. The work was hard and dirty, and sometimes Rodrigo came across burned-up things he wished he hadn’t seen. Last night it had been a child’s doll lying in a hard black pool of its melted head a...nd back. One time it had been a dog that the firemen hadn’t found. The heat had curled its legs in front of it stiffly, as if it had died in an instant, running, though it had not died that way.
He didn’t say much at work. Kevin got them going and then spent a long time on the phone. He brought all the tools and wanted them put back as soon as they were used. Rodrigo and Luis were not to talk to anyone but Kevin or Matt, the other crew member, who took more turns than Luis with the worst of the work.

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