Chimera Code (Jake Dillon Adventure Thriller Series)

Cover Chimera Code (Jake Dillon Adventure Thriller Series)
Dillon cruised the A-25M, its single prop engine humming behind the cockpit, their heading due north into the howling wind and rain that was rapidly turning to sleet.
They cruised over large areas of open French countryside, small towns and large cities. Dillon glanced down at the fuel gauge, he had pre-determined that they would have to re-fuel again by the time they reached the Netherlands, and touched down at a private airstrip just south of Amsterdam. Dillon flew the aircraft in silence, wi only the engine noise for company, and half an hour later was leaving the Dutch coastline behind them and only the North Sea ahead. All the way to their destination - Scotland...
* * * Alix had altered his course to avoid the severe weather coming off of the North Sea, and was now heading for the Scottish Highlands up the west coast. The Westland WAH-64 Apache Longbow attack helicopter cut effortlessly through the rain, its rotors thumping overhead as they cruised over the Isle of Man, and across the Mull of Galloway.

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