Cat On a Hot Tiled Roof (2011)

Cover Cat On a Hot Tiled Roof
Cat On a Hot Tiled Roof
Anna Nicholas
Genres: Fiction
The big-hearted Saint Francis of Assisi, lover of all things whiskery and furry, and Noah, that noble architect of the great ark, would be proud. For today, 17 January, is Beneides de Sant Antoni, the day when animals everywhere are invited to be blessed in the presence of the local priest and an appreciative audience of townsfolk. Sant Antoni, who was born around AD 250, may not have enjoyed the same status over the centuries as good old Saint Francis, but a patron saint of animals he became n...evertheless. In fact, his signs are a bell and a piglet. Now, in medieval times it was popularly believed that the bell warded off the devil, hence its popularity as a saintly symbol, but the piglet is a different matter. It seems that Sant Antoni adopted a starving piglet which he overfed to such a degree that it began waddling and soon became so utterly obese that it couldn't get up at all. Forever after Antoni was regarded as the patron saint of beasts, though animal lovers today might have taken him to task for not putting his beloved pig on a strict regime when it began to totter on its trotters.MoreLess

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