
Cover Captives
Genres: Fiction
Martin thought it was all down to Louise. She seemed to glow with defiance as she told Rafael what she and Martin were going to do and demanded each be given a machete for the task.
Louise put all she had into cutting and weaving the frame of the hut. And, though Martin helped and at times lost himself in the task, he couldn’t stop himself every so often from just watching her body, shining with sweat, become a perfect arc, before the machete cleaved through another branch.
“Come on, Marty home
...maker,” she called to him. “We need at least three more of these.”
Their parents understood what they were doing without asking. For the past couple of years at home had they not been insisting on more isolated, private rooms? Keep out. Unless you’re an alien. So they let them go now as they were always going to one day. They needed space. They weren’t children anymore. You can’t hold them to you forever. And for their part, they were tired: tired of being judged, tired of exposing frailty and shame.

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