Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?

Cover Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?
Genres: Fiction
SIXTEENMAPS, COINS AND FLAGS VancouverDecember 1971 Despite the chill winter drizzle, The Delhi Junction Café was crowded. Not unexpectedly, the talk was about the latest war between India and Pakistan. From his station behind the cash counter, Pa-ji noticed that the two Pakistani regulars, Hafeez and Alibhai, were absent from their usual table. He felt a twinge of regret mixed with anger. Why did they all have to cling so tightly to that other world? Why were they incapable of putting it behin...d them? Old enmities, ancient sorrows were carried around like the hag who climbed on to the backs of unwary sailors, growing heavier and heavier until the poor sailors, unable to shake her off, dropped dead from exhaustion.
“This is all thanks to the British!” someone shouted from the corner of the room. “They were the ones who divided the Muslims and the Hindus so they could rule, and then left the divisions to destroy both of us—Pakistan and India.”
“I don’t know why we should give the British credit for everything,”

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