Calling Romeo (2011)

Cover Calling Romeo
Genres: Fiction
Huddled from the afternoon drizzle under a leaky tarpaulin, sipping from flasks of lukewarm Tetley's and eating chocolate biscuits, they were surveying how far they'd got with their Japanese roof garden. On very official-looking checked graph paper Will had designed an area of tranquillity, filled with a decorative lily pond, footbridge and the sound of wind chimes. It was a whole, hopeful, architect's dream away from the drone of a churning cement mixer, and the desolate landscape of sacks of ...gravel, broken paving stones and ripped-up turf that lay before them.
Not that Will was actually noticing the building site at his green-wellingtoned feet. In fact he wasn't thinking about gardens, Japanese or otherwise, he was thinking about Juliet. His apology about the ball hadn't gone down as well as he'd expected. Instead of giving him a hug, laughing about how daft they'd both been and happily curling up with him so that they were like two cats on the sofa with a bottle of wine, she'd given a stiff little smile, said, "Don't worry, it's fine," in the kind of staccato voice that meant it was anything but, and made some excuse about needing an early night.

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