Burning Eddy (2003)

Cover Burning Eddy
Genres: Fiction
The year Toby was born. I’d always worked with Mum in the garden — since I was in her tummy, so she says — but when I was ten I started grubbing thistles for Graham and Tina. They gave me three dollars a feedbag full. On a good day I could earn nine dollars — great money when you’re ten. As I got older they got me going on ragwort, the prettiest weed ever — sometimes taller than I was — with nodding masses of golden flowers. Cows don’t like it and it takes over. Five dollars a bag. I could make... twenty dollars a day on ragwort when I was thirteen. Then the thistles and ragwort ran out. It would take me a full day to cover the sixty acres of steep pasture studded with manna gums and I’d only scrounge up two bags of weeds, so they started me on the blackberries behind the house. Twenty dollars a trailer-load. That’s where I met Cain and Abel.
Blackberry, like ragwort and thistles, is a noxious weed. Some bright spark introduced it from England ages ago and it’s covered almost every unused patch of ground in Bellan.

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