Broken World book Four - the Staff of Law

Cover Broken World book Four - the Staff of Law
Genres: Fiction
Above her, the long winding banners of blue silk rustled in the breeze, there to give hope to the people who dwelt in the valley. They were Mujar blue, one emblazoned with a golden staff, another with the Mujar mark, the third with Kieran’s princely symbol, a black sword spangled with stars. These were the three things that kept order and peace in the valley: the hope of the Staff of Law, the protection of the Mujar, and the authority of the Prince. The people survived for them, worked and kept... the peace, obeyed the laws and were grateful for their lives. Kieran’s authority relied upon the Starsword, whose powers ensured that no one would defy an order he gave, though he rarely had to lay down the law. Most of the time, the sword rested in an ornate bracket upon the wall of his bare room, taken down to be dusted occasionally.
Far down the valley, a vast herd of horses grazed, spotting the velvet green with many colours. The Aggapae had kept their numbers down, preserved the grazing and saved the chosen from having to cull the beautiful beasts.

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