Brief Interludes

Cover Brief Interludes
Genres: Fiction
One log fed the next as flames ignited in a frenzy, encircling her. With hands bound behind her back, the slightest movement caused the coarse rope fibers to cut deep into her wrists. Solange stared at the flames roaring about her feet and screamed. Tears dripped on dry lips and tasted salty as they settled on her tongue when she opened her mouth to yell.
    “Why do you do this?” Solange shouted through the roar. “The firestorms gave us these gifts—gifts that could help you. Your fear of us wi
...ll only result in your own demise.”
    Solange cursed silently, wishing the firestorms had never happened—but they had. Over two hundred years ago, the earth had changed when a multitude of monstrous electrical storms and swarms of multiple tornadoes pummeled the earth, destroying almost everything, killing billions of people. Many took shelter underground, others above ground in caves. Those above ground who survived developed capabilities never before possible for human beings.

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