
Cover Breathless
I was the first to wake. I couldn’t stay in bed any longer; too many memories haunted me because of the night before, so I got out of bed. When I came back from showering, I saw that Jesse was dressed. As we bypassed the kitchen, I thought about making coffee, but Jesse touched my arm. “I’ll make some at my place for you.” And that was that. We went to get my car, which had been left alone. Thank goodness. And I followed Jesse back to his house. When he drove into the basement parking area, I waited and drove up the driveway to his front door. I waited outside for him to come, but the door opened. His housekeeper, Zala, motioned for me to come in. Her plump cheeks were flushed. Her dimples appeared and I grinned back at her. She squeezed my arm once, but never said anything. “Alex?” She pointed towards the kitchen, so I led the way. Jesse grinned when he saw both of us. He waved towards the table. “Sit. I’ll make breakfast.” Zala and I sat at the table as he made breakfast for us both.
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