Borrowed Dreams (Scottish Dream Trilogy)

Cover Borrowed Dreams (Scottish Dream Trilogy)
Another was washing the floor. The housekeeper had every window open and was waving the smoke out with her apron. Gibbs had the two hangdog valets in the corner and was lashing into them like a prosecutor at a murder trial.
 “Leave them be, Gibbs. The bloody candle dropped on the table; that’s all. You are all making too much of a fuss over nothing.” Lyon glared at the unsmiling woman who was scissoring through the sleeve of his jacket and shirt. “You realize you’ve just committed a capital off
...ense in cutting my coat. And ruined a perfectly good one, at that.”
“A perfectly charred one. And you can afford another,” Millicent whispered absently, crouching beside him. She peeled back the sleeve of the coat and laid his arm on the armrest of the chair.
Lyon leaned his head back and stared in disbelief at the commotion around him. He had been going over the estate's books in the library when he had inadvertently bumped the candelabra on the table, tipping it over and setting the papers on the table on fire.

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