
Cover Bonded
Genres: Fiction
He sat on the side of the bed, then ran his fingers through his short, ink-black hair and stood. Padding on silent feet to the large French doors, he tossed them open and walked naked onto the marble balcony that faced the rear of his property. Hands braced on the balustrade, he surveyed the land that he owned, the small piece of paradise that he had earned through sweat, hard work, and blood.
Even with all that he had endured and survived, the nightmares still wouldn’t leave him alone and plag
...ued him night after night. Lifting his face to the moon, he looked over the perfectly manicured grounds with the pristine white marble busts of the original vestal virgins. All were women who were far more than what they seemed on the surface. Goddesses, as his people had seen them, one and all. He smirked, wondering just what history would think if he told them the truth of matters.
Before he blew his cover, or at least the cover that he was sane, and called up the History Channel to offer an in-depth interview with none other than Caligula, he was saved by the ringing of his phone.

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