
Cover Blush
Genres: Fiction
Who would have thought a teenage crush would lead to this? Well, I suppose the crush itself didn't do this but it was the starting point.
Just... wow.
I'm officially Mrs. Jesse Kingston and I still feel like I'm living in a dream rather than reality.
Let me explain in case you don't know the story. When I was thirteen I saw this band on one of those contestant shows where they performed and ended up winning. They were so, so good and the singer, Jesse Kingston, was seriously hot.
Instant girlie
... crush. It wasn't long after they won that show that they signed a contract with some big deal record company in Los Angeles. I don't know why, but I felt as if I was part of it all.
Maybe because I was there from the start, watching and cheering from afar. Though that wasn't really their start. They started in Chicago, not far from where I grew up.
Anyway, I bought all the Falling Down posters, magazines featuring them, and anything that had to do with Jesse Kingston. My room was a fandom. I'm not too proud to admit that and my now-husband thinks it's cute—though I never did tell him about all of it.

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