Blue Bonnets

Cover Blue Bonnets
Genres: Fiction
The mare stumbled straight into it, almost throwing her to the ground and into a large puddle filled with mud and partly melted snow.
‘There, there, that’s a good girl…’ She patted the horse’s neck with a shaky hand and issued soothing words. It wouldn’t be able to carry on much further, it was exhausted. So was she, but it was no excuse. She should have been paying more attention to the road.
She dismounted and started walking on the uneven track, leading the horse behind her. Where was she? S
...he should have reached Westmore by now. The light grew dim and blue, shadows thickened and closed in on her. She pulled the sides of her cloak more tightly as the sea breeze blew colder. If she didn’t find Westmore or some kind of shelter before nightfall, she would be in serious trouble.
Not for the first time since riding out of Porthaven that morning, doubt gnawed at her. Perhaps she’d been wrong to leave Wallace behind and come here alone: it might have been safer to go to his farm and wait there for Lord McGunn.

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