Bloomsbury's Outsider (2015)

Cover Bloomsbury's Outsider
Genres: Fiction
Scott, 548 Flaubert, Gustave, 413 Fleming, Peter, 376 flying, 243, 246–7, 253, 270–2, 278, 280, 287 Ford, Ford Madox (Ford Madox Hueffer), 19, 52, 54, 56, 447, 491 Fordham, Michael, 79, 245, 481 Fordham, Theadora, 156–7, 159–61, 163, 165, 170, 181, 186–7, 217, 293 commits suicide, 245–6 Forster, E.M., 149, 179, 188, 212, 341, 344, 409, 448, 502 and DG’s journalism, 267–8 featured in Great Friends, 546 and Lawrence Letters, 305–6 foxes, 172, 177–8, 185, 208, 375, 541 Foyle, Christina, 519–20 Fra...nzen, Jonathan, 188 Freud, Sigmund, 61 Friends Relief Mission (Quakers), 92–101, 103–4, 284, 288, 530 Fry, Roger, 84, 90, 137, 139, 271, 370, 421 and end of old Bloomsbury, 377 fungi, 68, 71, 517–18 Galsworthy, John, 6, 19–20, 32, 115, 407, 448 featured in Great Friends, 546 Garland, Patrick, 519, 541 Garnett, Amaryllis, 365–7, 371–2, 381, 383, 390, 415–16, 434, 446, 497 birth and naming, 362 and Carrington’s letters, 509 death, 526–9 education and acting career, 450, 456, 463 Garnett, Angelica (née Bell) affair with Abdel-Ali Taïtaï, 504–5, 518 affair with Claude Rogers, 429–32, 438–9, 443 affair with George Bergen, 492, 494–5 and Amaryllis’s death, 526–7 attracted to Eribert, 336–7 begins relationship with DG, 308–24 birth, 138–9, 163, 420 and brother’s death, 309, 316 and children’s births, 362, 371, 378–9 compared with Ray Garnett, 475 and conscription, 346, 352 contracts breast cancer, 493–4 early life, 242, 244–5, 254, 272, 289, 298, 300, 304 financial independence, 474–5 first Memoir Club paper, 393 friendship with Giovanna Madonia, 409–10 friendship with Rosemary Hinchingbrooke, 396–7 ‘gangs up’ on DG, 533 and Hart-Davis firm, 375–6 marital relations, 383, 386–90, 393, 397–402, 405, 412–13, 428, 433–4, 443–4, 470–83, 490, 493–6, 520, 523–4 marriage to DG, 351–3, 357–60 and her mother’s death, 452 and A Net for Venus, 445 and outbreak of war, 329, 342–7, 352 and painting, 397, 400 parentage, 316, 324, 353, 360, 553 and Ray Garnett’s death, 338, 340, 342 self-analysis, 481–2 suffers boredom, 442–3 taken ill in France, 326–8 writes Deceived with Kindness, 552–8 Garnett, Arthur, 22, 58 Garnett, Constance (née Black), 3–8 appreciation of George Moore, 199 awarded Civil List pension, 40, 293 and The Cearne, 11–13 comments on DG as farmer, 125 and danger from bombing, 343, 345 death, 380–1 dedicatee of Up She Rises, 540 and DG’s childhood, 10, 16, 21 and DG’s conscientious objection, 109–11, 113–15 and DG’s education, 31–2, 40–1 and DG’s marriage, 162, 164–5 and DG’s relationship with Angelica, 322–3, 343–4 and DG’s wartime service, 99–101 and Edward Garnett’s death, 300–1 friendship with Sergey Stepniak, 8–9, 15 and Heilbrun’s Garnett Family, 453–4 letter to DG, 52–3 marriage, 10–11, 13, 326 physical frailty, 9–10 and Ray Garnett’s cancer, 320, 338–40 suffers mild stroke, 353–4 translations from Russian, 9–10, 13, 20, 80, 291, 380 visits Russia, 8–9, 22–30 Garnett, David (‘Bunny’) acquires Hilton Hall, 193–7, 205–6 affair with Ann Hopkin, 394, 399, 405 affair with Alix Sargant-Florence, 126–34 affair with Marie Harvey, 537–8 and Amaryllis’s death, 526–9 and Angelica Bell’s birth, 138–9 appeal to women, 112 appearance, 57–8, 96, 124–5, 270, 353–4 and Armistice, 136–7 art dealership project, 137, 139–40 attitude to marriage, 163, 194, 213, 221–2, 227, 352 attitude to marriage in Aspects of Love, 417, 419–20 awarded CBE, 399, 424–5 begins autobiography, 395–6 and Birrell & Garnett bookshop, 140–1, 146–51, 170–1, 192 birth and early childhood, 7–8, 10, 15–22 buys house in France, 458–9 car accidents, 510–11 and The Cearne, 12, 33, 195, 526 change in his fiction, 442 character described by Strachey, 118 and conscientious objection, 103, 105–20 death, 550–1 D.H.MoreLess

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