Blessed By Sapphires (A Dance With Destiny book 2)

Cover Blessed By Sapphires (A Dance With Destiny book 2)
“I need you to come with me, dear friend,” I whispered.
    Margy had fallen asleep on the settee and woke with a start at my words.
    “Come, Margy. It’s time,” I said.
    The words written within my locket are words I dare not print here, dear Reader, for fear you may speak them to your own destruction. Those words hang about my neck still. They will follow me to the grave… if ever I am blessed with one.
    As for my good friend Jezreel, I did speak them aloud to her, and only that once.
...   My great grandmother came by this locket, I know not how, but the inscribed words are a purposeful blessing from God. Loosely translated, they mean—To undo the harm wrought by another—and that’s an extremely loose translation. Each word can change its meaning depending on where the speaker places emphasis… how they enunciate… and what’s truly intended within their heart as they speak.MoreLess

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