Blackmailed Into Bed

Cover Blackmailed Into Bed
Genres: Fiction
So many of you, so sweet and supportive. Thank you for your letters and e-mails and kind words of encouragement when I see you in person.You remind me on a daily basis of why I love my job so much, and keep me going on those long, dreary days when the words won’ t seem to come.This one’ s for you! ContentsChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveEpilogueComing Next Month OneE lena Sanchez l...ooked up and down the long hallway, her heels clicking on the expensively tiled floor as she moved. There was no one behind the desk where she assumed a receptionist would normally sit, but then, it was lunch time. Even she had sneaked away from the office to come over here.She glanced at the doors as she passed, searching for the one she needed, for the name of the man she had to see, whether she wanted to or not. And she really didn’ t want to. If her father wasn’ t desperate— if she wasn’ t desperate on her father’ s behalf— she probably would have gone the rest of her life without bumping into Chase Ramsey.She certainly wouldn’ t have made a point of tracking him down.When she saw his name printed in black block letters on the gold door plate at the end of the hall, her stomach jumped and she had the sudden urge to turn and run.MoreLess

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