Benjamin Dragon - Awakening

Cover Benjamin Dragon - Awakening
Genres: Fiction » Fantasy

I was well into the Corps Justice series when I discovered that Carlos Cooper had written a book for young adults. Recently, my grandson had gotten me to read The One and Only Ivan and I accidently stumbled on The Dragon of Cripple Creek, I decided to give young Benjamin Dragon a shot. Now I have praised C.G. Cooper for the way he portrayed his characters in the Corps Justice books, drawing on his experience as a Marine and a leader. I must say that he has captured the essence of a 10-year-old b


oy perfectly. He has shown us an intelligent young man, on the cusp of adolescence, who suddenly discovered he has undreamed-of powers. Benjamin has to cope with very focused on success professional parents, being two grades ahead of his age group, peer pressure, bullies and worst of all...girls. Now he discovers he is part of a select few in the world who have a special power. Cooper weaves a wonderful tale, showing how the boy learns to cope with being "special" and also learns how to deal with the fact that power can be corrupting. This is a wonderful start to what I hope will be a long-running series


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User Reviews:

Guest 6 years ago

Plz do another book before summer starts plz plz plz plz plz plz

Guest 6 years ago

This is amazing and it’s lit like the sun 5 stars

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