Beneath the Night Tree (2011)

Cover Beneath the Night Tree
Beneath the Night Tree
Nicole Baart
Genres: Fiction
I felt tossed by the wind, whisked this way and that as if I had no moorings, no constant whatsoever to cling to. And I didn’t. Michael was gone, Grandma was healing, and the boys were left looking to me for direction. The problem was, I felt lost.
“I want Grandma to play checkers with me,” Daniel said one night.
It was his first day of Christmas vacation and I could already tell that the two-week break was going to be long and tiresome.
“I think she’s napping,” I told him. “I’ll play with you
...when I’m done paying these bills.”
“But you were going to make caramel corn.”
I sighed. “Okay. Why don’t we make caramel corn together? I can play checkers with you when we’re done.”
“I don’t feel like making caramel corn.”
“Neither do I,” I muttered.
Daniel puffed an angry breath through his nose and slouched into the living room, where Simon was supposed to be finishing up a social studies project. Grandma’s hospitalization must have affected the boys in ways I still didn’t fully understand because the report Simon was working on was one that had been due before the Christmas break.

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