Bath Tangle

Cover Bath Tangle
Genres: Fiction
The delicate bloom had faded from her cheeks; she was thinner; and jumped at sudden noises. Mrs Floore ascribed her condition to the rigours of a London season, and told Serena that she could willingly box her daughter’s ears for having allowed poor little Emma to become so fagged. Serena thought the explanation reasonable, but Fanny declared that some other cause than late nights must be sought to account for the hunted look in Emily’s wide eyes. ‘And it is not far to seek!’ she added signific...antly. ‘That wicked woman compelled her to accept Rotherham’s offer, and she is terrified of him!’ ‘How can you be so absurd?’ said Serena impatiently. ‘Rotherham is not an ogre!’ But gentle Fanny for once refused to be overborne. ‘Yes, he is,’ she asserted. ‘I don’t scruple to tell you, dearest, that he frightens me, and I am not seventeen!’ ‘I know you are never at ease with him, and a great piece of nonsense that is, Fanny! Pray, what cause has he given you to fear him?’ ‘Oh, none!MoreLess

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