Baby Love

Cover Baby Love
Genres: Fiction
"She is almost like a mother to me.  I don't know how I would have done it these past few weeks without her.  Do you realize our new home will be ready to move into right after New Year's?""No shit?  I can hardly wait to see it.""When are you coming back home?" I asked."Soon I promise. This is just one of those times I need my mother, you know?"Actually I didn't.  I was unfamiliar as to how that might feel.  I hoped when the day came for Preston that I was a mother she could come to for healing... after heartbreak.  Of course I would much prefer that no one would ever break her heart.  Trey would likely go ballistic and kill the responsible party if that ever happened."But hey, I also need my very best friend too and I miss her," Gina said bringing me back to the conversation.I smiled into the phone telling her we would talk soon. I pulled my car into the parking lot of Edgewood Convalescence Center.  Jean had been moved over to Edgewood from the hospital about a week ago.  She was here for rehabilitation.  Thankfully, she had regained consciousness with no permanent brain damage.  She was at Edgewood for physical therapy for the next two months.Jean brightened as I entered her room.  She was sitting up in a chair, looking at a magazine that I had brought her a few days before when I had visited."Tylar," she greeted me with a smile, "You are a welcome site today.  How is my little one doing?""She is heavier than two sacks of potatoes," I laughed.  "You better be working double time with your physical therapist if you expect to be able to lift her when you get out.""I think my therapist might have been a Nazi in his previous life," she moaned.  "No worries Tylar, he won't let me be a slacker that is for sure."Trey and I had discussed having Jean as live-in help once we moved into our new large home.  I hadn't said anything to Jean just yet as I wanted to see how she progressed with her therapy.  There would be a lot of stops and high ceilings to contend with in our new home.  I started back at the firm the following week to fill in for Leah until just before Christmas.   Susan would be watching Preston while I worked for as long as Trey and I needed her."Is grandma being good to little Preston?" Jean asked."Spoiling her rotten," I laughed."Can't spoil a baby Tylar," Jean replied, "You can spoil your appetite or spoil a surprise, but you just can't spoil a baby.""If you say so Jean," I said, smiling at her.  We chatted a little while longer and then her 'born again Nazi' came into her room to take her down for her hydrotherapy which I could only guess involved water.That evening at dinner Susan announced that she was needed back in Bristol in two weeks.  Clive was to undergo by-pass surgery and she would need to be there to help him during recovery.Trey and I both dropped our forks at her announcement."Mom," Trey said, clearly startled, "What the hell happened?   Why am I just finding out about this?""Because I just found out about it this afternoon Trey.  It seems your father chose to keep me out of the loop until he knew with certainty what the official diagnosis and treatment option was to be.  I was just as clueless.""Did he have a heart attack?" I asked stunned by the news."No, no - nothing like that thankfully," she replied.MoreLess

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