Aurora: Cv-01

Cover Aurora: Cv-01
Genres: Fiction
Only today Nathan felt far more optimistic than he could remember since coming aboard. It might have been the time spent on the bridge the day before, where the simulations that he and Cameron had run seemed to have gone more smoothly than usual. He didn’t know if they were finally developing a working rapport, or if it was just that on the bridge, there were far more eyes on them.
But his good mood could also have been the result of a shorter than usual work day. Because of the inspection, the
... captain had given the entire crew the evening off, with none of the usual after dinner training or work teams that usually lasted right up until bedtime.
But most likely, Nathan’s, as well as everyone else’s better than usual moods were probably due to the knowledge that not only was today a ‘training free’ day, scuttlebutt had it that they were going to take the ship out for quick ‘lap around the block’, as the XO had referred to it. After weeks of intense training and late night work parties, the crew was itching to show what they could do.

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