
Cover Asunder
Genres: Fiction
Not moments before, she and Rhys had been making their way through the ruins of the city— and then it abruptly changed. Now they were standing in what appeared to be a desolate farmer's field. The land had recently been burned, as far as the eye could see, and now smoldered. The acrid smoke hung in the air, stinging the eyes.            Off in the distance a hovel stood. Not the proud home of a freeholder, but the sort of mean shack one expected to see in the provinces. Desperate people lived, barely subsisting off the overworked soil, and the house reflected it: greying planks, peeling paint, and a sense of loneliness that carried in the wind.            "Are you sure this is it?" she asked Rhys.            He nodded, his expression grim. A small orb of light floated next to his head; a spirit he'd conjured, which he said would lead them to Cole. She was leery of any spirit, even ones so small, and worried it might lead them astray. According to Rhys, such spirits barely had a will of their own, and knew the Fade far better than any mortal being could ever hope to.MoreLess

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