Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Cover Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Series: Assassin's Creed (#4)
Genres: Fiction

The final chapter of Ezio's ongoing struggle with the Templars features a foray into the politics of the Ottoman Empire near its zenith, charts an ageing Ezio's consideration of the possibility of life outside the Creed, and also briefly returns to Altaïr, the Master Assassin from the first game. There is a lot to cover, and consequently the writing often feels rushed. Targets are presented and cursorily dispatched, characters introduced and then largely left undeveloped, and the rich setting never feels like it has time to establish itself. The description of the action sequences will seem familiar to those who have read the preceding books, and only a couple stand out in the memory. The sections of the novel devoted to Altaïr feel a little out of place, and would probably have had greater impact had they been included in The Secret Crusade. The final section of the book goes beyond the ending of the game to include content from Embers, and it is here, as Ezio contemplates his life an


d legacy, that some of the best writing of the series appears. Despite its limitations, fans will likely come away satisfied with this conclusion to both Ezio's and Altaïr's stories.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations
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Guest 6 years ago

i like dicks

Guest 6 years ago

Just farted in my fist and thrusted it back up there only to fart again with twice the strenght

Guest 6 years ago

I farted so hard, I blew a hole in my panties. My boyfriend had to go to his knees to suck it up.

Guest 6 years ago

the world is the best thing every made

but who made up assassin cred and why]

Guest 7 years ago

I farted

Guest 7 years ago

Cool i can smell it

Code 825 7 years ago

wow not expecting that!

Guest 7 years ago

hi im at school right now

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

well he is kinda right because why are you telling us your at school
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Guest 7 years ago

i dont like this book and i hate school

Guest 6 years ago

he does not have to like school

Guest 7 years ago

i hate you

Guest 7 years ago

This was probably the best of the whole serried the game isn't nearly as good 10 stars

Guest 7 years ago

This article is the best I've ever read in my intier life

Guest 7 years ago

Wtf is up with all these stupid commenters

Guest 6 years ago

'I sucked a big fat penis today and I can't wait to suck some more

Guest 7 years ago

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