Assassin's Creed: Renaissance

Cover Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
Series: Assassin's Creed (#1)
Genres: Fiction

God, did it seriously take me over a month to finish this? Eh... Such is life. It was a bit clunky in places and got bogged down in its own detail and descriptions from time to time, but for being a book based on a video game this was very good. I loved the historical setting and the people Ezio met, from da Vinci to Lorenzo Medici to Borgia. And the fictional characters were wonderful as well - Teodora and Paola were two of my favorites :) It was fun trying to pick out which were the play-through bits vs the cut scenes from the game. Excited for the next book, and the movie!
Wasted potential.

Assassin's Creed has given gamers across the world a wonderful opportunity to experience history as it unfolds around them while they battle their ancient enemy.
This book could have furthered their education, by expanding upon some of those great historical figures and events during the latter days of the Renaissance in greater detail. Instead of that though, readers are left wit


h gaping plot holes and secondary characters who just appear with no explanation or indication as to why they're essential to the storyline.

I really hope the second novel does a better job

Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
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User Reviews:

Guest 5 years ago

This was a pretty good book. I recently got hooked on Assassins Creed because it's an amazing piece of historical fiction work. The setting was good, Ezio was pretty likable, and the various people he meets were good. It got a bit too descriptive in some places, and in others it just looked like the author was showing off his knowledge of Renaissance Italay, kinda like Hey, look how much I know! Other that that, a good book.

Guest 6 years ago

it was pretty good in the beginning but bad at the end

Guest 6 years ago

You bad

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

I hi

Dawson428 6 years ago

Really good book i want to see the movie now !

Avalynne_is_cute 6 years ago

I LOVE READING I'm in Fifth grade and I am in the first level after Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest 6 years ago

sucked baldly

Guest 6 years ago

it sucked

Guest 6 years ago

i agreeeeeeee

Guest 6 years ago

this sucked it lacked things from the game and the movie you need more action

Guest 6 years ago

I love this book. I also love how the book is wrote and how it has action,adventure, and questions lying all around.

Guest 6 years ago

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