Asimov's Sf, September 2010

Cover Asimov's Sf, September 2010
Asimov's Sf, September 2010
Dell Magazine Authors
Genres: Fiction
Sherbow: Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Sandy Marlowe: Circulation Services Advertising Representative Robin DiMeglio: Advertising Sales Manager Phone: (203) 866-6688 ext. 180 Fax: (203) 854-5962 [email protected] (Display and Classified Advertising) Peter Kanter: Publisher Christine Begley: Vice President, Editorial and Product Development Susan Kendrioski: Vice President, Design and Production Isaac Asimov: Editorial Director (1977-1992)* * * *Stories from Asimov'...s have won 50 Hugos and 27 Nebula Awards, and our editors have received 18 Hugo Awards for Best Editor.* * * *Please do not send us your manuscript until you've gotten a copy of our guidelines. Look for them online at or send a self-addressed, stamped business-size (#10) envelope, and a note requesting this information. Write “manuscript guidelines” in the bottom left-hand corner of the outside envelope. We prefer electronic submissions, but the address for manual submissions and for all editorial correspondence is Asimov's Science Fiction, 267 Broadway, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10007-2352.MoreLess

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