Asimov's Science Fiction: September 2013

Cover Asimov's Science Fiction: September 2013
Genres: Fiction
Because as little girls and little boys we believed we could have them and we ran around the house with our fingers like ray guns and our pink cowboy hats long before we understood the complex historical and social ramifications that made our dreams impossible.
    Also that they shoot mustangs now because they trample vegetables, and light speed travel hasn't even been invented yet.
    They probably believed in ponies and rocketships once too.
    Ponies and rocketships are horrible things be
...cause we have always watched movies that tell us heroes ride ponies and rocketships into suns, and we fell for it every time and still hope we too will ride into suns and sunsets.
    And one day you realize it's impossible, and also you will not be president.
    My mother wished for them for every Christmas and ran out in the snow in her bare feet while her mother called her an idiot from the kitchen window in her bare feet.

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