Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March

Cover Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 3): March
Genres: Fiction
Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book III): March March 14 Year 1 A.Z.morningWe had just finished packing, and had already breakfasted when the gunfire began.  Guide ran into our house shouting that the furniture shop was under attack from bandits, as well as the Dead.  The six of us rushed into action, Guide deftly showing us the way back through the sewers to the manhole around the corner from the shop where The Colonel lay under siege. I was first up the ladder, lifting the manhole cover carefully.  I co...uld see the legs of the Dead around the main barricade surrounding The School, and in the other direction nothing at all.  I slid the cover off of me, pulling myself up and extending my hand to help Apocalypse Girl.  Guide was up next, followed immediately by Sister, Redbeard and Firecracker bringing up the rear.  The gunfire had begun to recede into the distance, the bandits retreating, we hoped.  When we rounded the corner we discovered differently. Dead littered the street, some walking still, most lying down dead.  We dispatched the few standing in seconds as we rushed to the furniture shop window.  I vaulted inside to see blood everywhere.  The Colonel was nowhere to be seen, the only people were what looked to be a few dead bandits, and a couple of Schoolfolk lying bleeding on the floor.  Guide rushed over to them, bending down to listen to the dying words of one man.  Redbeard began making certain nobody was going to get back up as Guide looked up at me, horrified. “They said they're going to trade the women to The Followers for food”  He said.  We ran. noonThe bandits left a trail an infant could follow.  Not only were they not covering their footprints in the snow, at least two of them were bleeding, one heavily.  We caught up with them in almost no time at all, seeing as they were also burdened with three captives, none of whom were particularly cooperative, one of whom had to be bludgeoned unconscious.  I could see The Colonel's bald head among the two standing.  There were only eight of the bandits left, and they had begun arguing, loudly, about exactly what to do with their captives. One of them favoured taking them into a nearby building and having a little fun with them, he had a couple of his fellows already panting, one of them already groping the unconscious woman.  We began to move silently from cover to cover as another of his companions argued against it, saying that they should get them to The Followers before nightfall.  The Colonel had spotted us by this time, and was obviously trying to convince the bandits that the nearby building option would be a lot more fun than simply giving the three of them over to another group.  This kept the bandits looking in her direction, rather than ours, and we advanced closer again. The one man insisting on delivering them to The Followers first threw up his hands in frustration, stalking off in another direction momentarily.  He then turned back, choosing unfortunately to turn in our direction.  Guide deftly put a bullet through his left eye as the rest of us opened up on the rest of the bandits.  The Colonel launched her fist into the throat of one of her captors, then she pulled his own gun from his holster and fed him two rounds at point blank range.  It was over in seconds. Smiling, The Colonel thanked us for our timely intervention.  Guide went to check on his two Schoolfolk, while the rest of us checked the bandits for supplies while making certain they were all dead. eveningShortly before nightfall we found a likely looking building, a block of offices before the Dead rose, almost totally free of shambling corpses.  My sword made short work of the few that we discovered on the ground floor.  One of the Dead had a bunch of keys on its belt, having once been a security guard for this particular building and we were able to raid the guardroom thanks to this.  We didn't find a great deal, just a revolver with a box of ammo, a torch that the batteries had corroded inside of, and a couple of bottles of water. Deciding that the ground floor meeting room was ideal for a temporary bedroom, we set up in there.  Guide and the other two women from The School were planning on leaving us the next morning, heading back home, and he showed me a relatively clear route into Mech-Tech territory, or at least it had been a couple of weeks ago. From what Guide had told me it would still take us a couple of days, perhaps three or even four before we made it safely into Mech-Tech lands, depending on how clear of Dead the streets are, and whether we run into any more bandits.  Two days minimum.  Guide did, however, assure us that no matter how badly they treat thieves, they will give the same respect they are given.  As long as we act friendly, so will they.  He also told us to remember that there are over a hundred of them in case we start thinking of fucking them over.  Not that any of us have any intention of doing so.MoreLess

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