Angelic Sight

Cover Angelic Sight
Genres: Fiction
I’m a glorified  receptionist.”He knew he was probably being a little dramatic, but it was  infuriating always being relegated to the position of junior knownothing. In his old life he’d always been everyone’s go-to guy, the  guy with all the answers or at least the means to get the answers.  Working as team leader at the Coca-Cola plant had given him the  confidence he hadn’t had growing up as a poor kid who lived with his  mother living in the center of a neighborhood that divided two gang  t...erritories. Ever since he’d become nephilim, he’d felt robbed of his  manhood.“This is really important to you?” Axis asked, the teasing note gone from his voice.Erik nodded. “Yes.”Axis nodded. “All right. After you finish your workout, we’ll go into the backyard and see what you’ve got. All of us will help.” The last seemed to be directed at the other Elites, who nodded their assent almost instantly, even Marius.“Really?” Erik asked, daring to hope.“Absolutely, man.MoreLess

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