Amazing Medical Stories (2003)

Cover Amazing Medical Stories
Genres: Fiction
ROBERT WRIGHTSNOWMOBILE PIONEER It was a cold January day in 1942, and the snow whirled and blew outside the windows of the old farmstead in Kennetcook. A four-year-old boy whimpered in his mother’s arms as she sponged off the thin trickle of pus that oozed from her son’s left ear. His temperature was high, and the loud crying of hours earlier had turned to ominous silence. His mother had called for Dr. Wright hours earlier, but nothing could move over the four-foot drifts that had buried all t...he roadways. Suddenly she saw a flicker of light in the field. Fatigue must be playing tricks on her eyes. Then she thought she heard a low droning noise like an airplane engine, but none of the aircraft at the nearby air base would be in the sky in weather like this. Then she saw it, a rooster plume of snow in the back field, thrown up by a strange propeller-driven vehicle, the weirdest contraption ever to grace her farm. It glided in past the old weathered barn and through the rickety front gate.MoreLess

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