Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis; a Treatise On the Properties, Modes of Assaying, And Proximate Analytical Examination of the Various Organic Chemicals And Products Employed in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, Etc., With Concise Methods for the Detec

Cover Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis; a Treatise On the Properties, Modes of Assaying, And Proximate Analytical Examination of the Various Organic Chemicals And Products Employed in the Arts, Manufactures, Medicine, Etc., With Concise Methods for the Detec
Genres: Nonfiction

Vols. 3-9 edited by W. A. Davis and Samuel S. Sadtler I. Introduction, alcohols, yeast, malt liquors and malt, wines and spirits, neutral alcoholic derivatives, sugars, starch and its isomerides, paper and paper-making materials, vegetable acids.--II. Fixed oils, fats and waxes; special characters and methods, butter fat, lard, linseed oil, higher fatty acids, soap, glycerol, cholesterols, woolfat, cloth oils.--III. Hydrocarbons, bitumens, naphthalene and its derivatives, anthracene and its asso


ciates, phenols, aromatic acids, gallic acid and its allies, phtholic acid and the phthaleins, modern explosives.--IV. Reins, india-rubber, rubber substitutes and gutta-percha, hydrocarbons of essential oils, ketones of essential oils, volatile or essential oils, special characters of essential oils, table of esential oil.--V. Tannins, analysis of leather, dyes and colouring matters, dyestuffs of groups 6 to 12, colouring matters of natural origin, analysis of coulouring matters, colouring matters in foods, inks VI. Amines and ammonium bases, aniline and its allies, naphthylamines, pyridine, quinoline and acridine bases, vegetable alkaloids, volatile bases of vegetable origin, nicotine and tobacco, aconite alkaloids, atropine and its allies, cocaine, opium, strychnos alkaloids, cinchona alkaloids, berberine, caffeine, tea and coffee, cocoa and chocolate.--VII. Vegetable alkaloids, glucosides, non-glucocidal bitter principles, animal bases, animal acids, lactic acid, cyanogen and its derivatives.--VIII. Enzymes, proteins and albuminoid substances, milk and milk products, meat and meat products, haemoglobin and blood, proteoids, fibroids.--IX. Supplement, index to series


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