
Cover Allegiance
Genres: Fiction
Julian assured me, patting my knee. “She has to.”
    “And what if she doesn’t, Julian?” I whispered, turning to take in his friendly face, begging for a solution.
    Julian answered by reaching out to grab hold of my hand. “Then it’s you and me, babe,” he said. “We can go back and live in the mountains. Or to the motherland, with our people.” Then he winked. “But only if you wear that little outfit.”
    “Julian!” I smacked his chest but burst into giggles. It felt good. I hadn’t laughed in a
... while.
    I opened my mouth, a thank-you on my lips, when a deep, feral growl in the shadows stopped me cold. An inhuman sound. My body, already frozen from the cold, now solid with terror. Grasping at Julian’s arm, I slowly leaned forward and hazarded a peek around the edge of the gazebo wall, searching the source, preparing to scream like a banshee for Max.
    Behind a thorny bush, I caught sight of a wolf at least twice the size that I expected a wolf to be.

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