All This Heavenly Glory

Cover All This Heavenly Glory
Genres: Fiction
After a late start her senior year of high school with the hopelessly smitten Eddie Greenfield, and accounting for 1)  a fraction of one regret roughly equaling .4, for not giving nice-guy Greenfield more of a chance (and which) resulted in a slight delay of another year in between dates due to an uncertainty about whether dating was anything she had a continuing interest in, Charlotte Anne developed an all-consuming crush on junior Billy Glassmeyer (inspired entirely by his heavy-lidded green ...eyes and Afro of soft dark curls) in the fall of her freshman year of college. Said crush, which gained her an A in Beginning Fiction for a story that was basically copied right out of her diary at the last minute (certain names changed to “Carrie Anne Boyer” and “Benjy Grossmeyer”) after a semester of being unable to satisfy her professor’s desire for writing “that gave off the stench of a bleak, ugly truth” with anything genuinely fictional, also figured in significantly to an increasingly bad drinking problem.MoreLess

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