A Time for Secrets (2012)

Cover A Time for Secrets
Genres: Fiction
Haggerty said to me about four hours later. When he got to Meek’s apartment he’d sent me to Town Hall station to cool my heels while they worked the scene. I had enough coffee in me to float a barge and only had three smokes left. “I need an explanation, and it better be good.”
We were in a small room with walls the color of puke, a table, three chairs, and a dingy window covered in metal mesh.
“Ronald Meek hired me to find Vernon Taber,” I said.
“He said Vernon was an old boyfriend. He
...wanted to get back together with him?”
Haggerty snorted. “And you bought that?”
I hadn’t bought it a hundred percent, but I didn’t like Haggerty’s tone so I said, “Sure, why wouldn’t I?”
“I’ve worked this district for seven years. If I learned one thing about you queer boys, it’s that you’re too busy screwing like rabbits to send a Valentine’s Day card.”
I almost made a crack about drunken Irish cops, but, given Haggerty’s paunch and the broken blood vessels around his nose, I’d probably be right on the money.

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