A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States

Cover A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States
Genres: Nonfiction

PREFACE.Under a solemn sense of duty to my unhappy country, and to the brave soldiers who fought under me, as well as to myself, the following pages have been written."When the question of practical secession from the TJnited States arose, as a citizen of the State of Virginia, and a member of the Convention called by the authority of the Legislature of that State, I opposed secession with all the ability I possessed, with the hope that the horrors of civil war might be averted, and that a returning sense of duty and justice on the part of the masses of the ^Northern States, would induce them to respect the rights of the people of the South. "While some Northern politicians and editors, who subsequently took rank among the most unscrupulous and vindictive of our enemies, and now hold me to be a traitor and rebel, were openly and sedulously justifying and encouraging secession, I was la-boiing honcstfy and earnestly to pieservethe Union,As a member of the Virginia Convention, I About th


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A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate St...
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