A Kiss of Color: the Complete 3 book Collection

Cover A Kiss of Color: the Complete 3 book Collection
Genres: Fiction
She was ten years old, and the sounds scared her just as much as they kept her from getting any decent amount of rest.
Grunting, slapping, overt yelling – it was something that she had to deal with more often than not; and Helena tried her best not to imagine what the revolving door of men that came into her mother’s house were doing with her behind closed doors.
She knew it was none of her business. She was only ten, and whenever she could, she buried herself in her homework, read, or tried to
... get out with friends. The latter was hard when her mother wanted her at home constantly to cook and clean – to take care of her and the plethora of men she dragged in behind her.
She made them dinner and cleared away beer bottles, used needles and whatever other mess was lying around – and she also had to be at her mother’s beck and call whenever they finished…what they were doing.
That was the worst.
Helena hated to see her mother naked with those men…she always finished tidying up as soon as she could and bolted back to her room before dissolving into tears.

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User Reviews:

Guest 8 months ago

I was pleasantly surprised as I read this romance collection. I expected just sex scenes to pervade the entire story, but I was wrong. The characters were excellently developed with all of the human frailties that we all share regardless to our backgrounds. Whether rich or poor, family structures can be dysfunctional and it is how each person overcomes this dysfunction that defines us. This moral was well developed in this 3part series. I hope that more people read it and not only enjoy it but embrace the message. Five stars! Great job, Cristina

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