A Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion

Cover A Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Religion
Genres: Nonfiction

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT IN REFERENCE TO THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. PHE1CHBD BEFORE Till OF OXFORD, IN THE YEAR M.DCCO.LXIL, ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, M.A. CANON OF SALISBURY. ADAM STOREY FARKAK, M.A. MIOBSL IILLOW Of QCEBS'S COLLEOl, OIIOBB. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 443 446 BROADWAY. 18


63. EXTKAOT FROM THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Or THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, CANON OP SALISBURY. " 1 give and bequeath my Lands and Estates to the " Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford " for ever, to have and to hold all and singular the said Lands "or Estates upon trust, and to the intents and purposes here- " inafter mentioned; that is to say, I will and appoint that the " Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford for the time being " shall take and receive all the rents, issues, and profits thereof, " and (after all taxes, reparations, and necessary deductions made) " that he pay all the remainder to the endowment of eight Divin- " ity Lecture Sermons, to be established for ever in the said Uni- " versity, and to be performed in the manner following: " I direct and appoint, that, upon the first Tuesday in Easter "Term, a Lecturer be yearly chosen by the Heads of Colleges "only, and by no others, in the room adjoining to the Printing- u House, between the hours of ten in the morning and two in the "afternoon, to preach eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, the year " following, at St. Mary's in Oxford, between the commencement " of the last month in Lent Term, and the end of the third week " in Act Term. " Also I direct and appoint, that the eight Divinity Lecture " Sermons shall be preached upon either of the following Subjects?to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to con- " fute...


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