A Big Sky Christmas

Cover A Big Sky Christmas
Genres: Fiction
Hector was coming from the other direction. So were Bodie and Jake, having heard shouts of alarm from some of the immigrants when the Hamilton wagon rolled over.
Jamie’s keen eyes searched the water for any sign of R.G. or Alice popping back to the surface. Even flooded, the creek wasn’t really that deep, but it was deep enough for a person to drown in it, especially if he or she was disoriented or had hit their head and was stunned.
Alice Hamilton had bright red hair, so she was easy to spot when she broke the surface. The current was carrying her swiftly downstream. Jamie angled after her.
With Sundown’s powerful legs stroking through the water, Jamie caught up with the young woman in a matter of moments. He leaned down from the saddle and reached for her as she flailed wildly in panic.
His hand wrapped around her wrist and he hauled upward, lifting her from the stream almost effortlessly as if she had been a child’s toy. Hysterical with fear, she grabbed him, winding her arms aroun
...d his neck and hanging on in sheer desperation.MoreLess
A Big Sky Christmas
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Guest 2 years ago

Not Good Book ...so far. The fight scenes are either copied from L'amour or he copied from Johnstone. The character of the "rabbi" is far too unreal,. I don't know why he's in the book at all. He'd have to have been Orthodox which meant prayers 3 times a day, a special foods load, a tallit (prayer shawl) phylacteries every morning, and we see no signs of this. AND.. what would a rabbi be doing in Montana territory anyway. No city no, other Jews, no Synagogue, no congregation. AND....it's very obvious, from these facts and many others, that Johnstone had absolutely no idea about Jews. So what's he in the book for. And it's incumbent for every young Jew to get married. VERY phony . VERY loosely written. McAllister who has great-grand-children -supposedly- is just over 60........ And a "mountain man roving all over the country, wherr would he so improbably have assembled such a family, which needed a home, and roots even for a beginning. Which means he wouldn't have settled even long enough to have married and had a few children . And this immense fortune he has. Did he have a "magic slave in a bottle"....?? No wonder Johnstone could have turned out 3 hundred+ books.. churned them out is more correct.

Guest 2 years ago

I know why Moses Danzig, the "rabbi" is in the book. To provide "comic relief" with his ridiculous antics as written. And that the mountain men allowed him to go with them, and be an extra burden is more ridiculous. The writer seems to have forgotten that he is the nearest thing to a doctor, in the wagon train. He'd be needed to take care of wounded of which there are some, . This is not only a rotten book but a really rotten writer. Sloppy, poor detail, blood and gore are certainly NOT enough to make a book, although Johnstone seems to have that as a formula. I thought L'Amour was not so good but he's a genius compared to Johnstone who also seems to know little about cowboys, or mountain men except maybe what he's seen in the movies. I haven't reas any of his uncle's yet, whom he may be trying to copy, but he couldn't be worse. It reminds me of "Felix Francis" trying to pretend to be "Dick Francis". The only writer son better than the father, may have been Alexandre Dumas fils, although Pere was very good, and it's a toss up between two masters .

Guest 2 years ago

Jews, religious Jews DO NOT take their hats off. It is a biblical injunction, fromm antiwuity to keep one's head covered from respect of the Creator. During the early medieval perios amid torment and persecution the custom lapsed, but revived around the times of the Portuguese Inquisition which was in the century before the Spanish Inq.

Johnstone , more and more shows he knows NOTHING about Jews, except that "they don't eat pork"..
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